Guest article by Cynthia from Empowered Heart Your body will love it and all the extra energy you have will help you create the healthy, vibrant life you really want. If interested, Cynthia has provided more details on Bowen's origin in a previous comment. Bowen is a less worrisome therapy than crushing osteopathy. There are no sudden movements or uncomfortable noises.
Instead, the practitioner performs a series of light punctures in several muscles that are apparently tuned to channel natural energy to problem areas. They, Mitchell says, will empower the body's own resources to heal itself. How, exactly, this happens is a divine mystery. But with the supposed 9,000 practitioners worldwide, it must work for someone.
Unlike other approaches, Bowen's technique focuses on you as a whole person, rather than treating a single pain or condition. Bowen's literature talks about penetration at a deep cellular level and the release of toxins, and claims to cover the physical, chemical, emotional and mental aspects of each person receiving treatment. Once you start to get positive results, it's recommended that you continue to see your therapist Bowen every few months to maintain good health. The Bowen technique was developed in Australia in the 1950s by Tom Bowen, who modestly said that its healing power was simply a gift from God.
The body continues to adapt for days after treatment, with Bowen's movements giving the body the triggers to begin a healing process, not the healing process itself.
Bowen therapy
is a type of holistic approach that people often use to help with muscle and joint health, as well as other potential health problems. I had treated many of Bowen's treatments as “just the session, expecting the session to be the resolution time, not really understanding that the real impact on my body was going to occur in the days following the session. There is little information available about side effects related to Bowen therapy, but experts say the therapy is safe for newborns, older adults, and everyone in between.Bowen practitioners say, however, it will cure anything from asthma to PMT, from bunions to anxiety. However, given the effects on my stiff neck, I would say Bowen would be worth trying if conventional medicine has failed him. After a session, your Bowen therapist can inform you about possible physical and emotional changes you may experience. Intense exercise, in which the muscles are doing a good hard workout (and may hurt later or need a good stretch), will also distract the body from Bowen's triggers.
During a typical 45-60 minute session, Bowen's therapist will use pressure and gentle rocking movements on different parts of the body to encourage you to repair and recover on your own.